Tuesday, February 21, 2017

New Training Workshop- CoPP Course

****Details of CoPP Course - 1st Run / NEW Course Starting Soon !!!!!!!

Training will be conducted on:

Day: Every Monday & Thursday

Time7pm-10pm  (3 hrs)

Venue: To be confirmed

Duration per module: 30 hrs (24 hrs of lecturing and 6 hrs of e-learning)

Fees per module: $500

Registration Fee : $ 50 ( Must be paid together with Registration Form and Qualifications or
                                Duplicate Certificates )

Exam Fees : $80 Payable on the Last Module only

Expected start day: Mid-April 2017 (10 April 2017) / Will update and email participants who have
                                   Registered and paid up for the CoPP training once who we have confirmed the 
                                   numbers of Participants and the Exact Date of commencement  .

****Note : All Fees and any payments collected are recorded thus we will not entertain any refunds or waivers or  any unreasonable request. Thank you for your understanding.                           

Targeted audience: Participants  should be qualified teachers (mainstream and/or special schools), allied educators, and parents.

Please contact Mdm Jean Heng for other enquiries on the course - 
Email - hengjn@yahoo.com.sg

Registered and Approved Trainers of RSAS ( Singapore)

List of Registered and Approved Trainers -

1) Arnold Chua 

Mr Chua is currently a private Early Intervention Consultant and a Reading Specialist. He holds a Master Degree in Special Education from National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University. He holds three Fellowship in (1) College of Teachers (UK, London), (2) Registered Educational Therapists (Asia), and (3) Reading Specialist Association Singapore. Arnold has been working as an Early Interventionist teaching children with special needs in the early intervention and special education settings for more than ten years. 

2) Wong Chong Lee
Mr Wong is a Reading Specialist registered with the Reading Specialist Association Singapore. He holds Master Degrees  in Special Education from National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University as well as Early Childhood Education from Wheelock College, Boston, USA.  His interest lies in literacy and language, numeracy and mathematics, psychoeducational assessments, evaluations and interventions, social skills as well as examinations study skills in the mainstream primary and secondary schools. 

3) Dede Tham 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

IACT-approved Specialty Program on Reading (Literacy) Therapy program


About the International Association of Counselors & Therapists

The International Association of Counselors and Therapists (IACT) is a premier association for holistic practitioners and it provides a forum where members may exchange ideas, information, techniques and methodologies. Establishing itself apart from the rest as a multidiscipline association, IACT membership includes medical practitioners, psychologists, clinical social workers, hypnotherapists, nutritionists, dieticians, special needs educational therapists, mental health workers, counsellors, allied educators and others in the helping, healing arts. The vision of IACT is to light the path of unity by providing a place where practitioners can come together under one umbrella to explore, indulge and renew their passion for diverse holistic physical and mental health care discipline.


Series 1: Literacy as Process and Product (30 hours)
Workshop 1: Understanding the Synergies of Oracy and Literacy
Workshop 2: Understanding the Challenges in Language Learning & Development
Workshop 3: Reading as Product and Process
Workshop 4: Writing as Product and Process

Series 2: Literacy and Language Difficulties, Disabilities and Disorders (30 hours)
Workshop 5: Process and Product Challenges in Literacy and Language Learning 
Workshop 6: Reading and Comprehension Disabilities
Workshop 7: Writing, Spelling and Written Expression Disabilities
Workshop 8: Other Literacy Difficulties, Disabilities and Disorders 

Series 3: Screening Assessment for Literacy Language Difficulties, Disabilities & Disorders (30 hours)
Workshop 9: Screening and Assessment Protocols for Reading Specialists/Therapists
Workshop 10: Informal Assessment Battery for Literacy Difficulties, Disabilities and Disorders
Workshop 11: Standardized Assessment Battery for Literacy Difficulties, Disabilities and Disorders  
Workshop 12: Psycho-educational Assessment, Evaluation and Profiling 

Series 4: Literacy and Language Contents and Skills (30 hours)
Workshop 13: Phonological Processing and Skills: From letters and words to sentences
Workshop 14: Morphological Processing and Skills: From phrases and clauses to sentences
Workshop 15: Semantic Processing and Skills: From affixes and root words to discourse
Workshop 16: Syntactic Processing and Skills: Grammar, text types and genres

Series 5: Intervention (focus more on literacy and language issues) (30 hours)
Workshop 17: Introduction to Developmental Intervention as a Process
Workshop 18: Application of Operational Intervention
Workshop 19: Planning an Intervention Plan: Case vs Care Management
Workshop 20: Principles and Practice of Universal Design in Intervention

Case Study Presentation Symposium
Trainee will be provided a detailed case study to prepare for his/her oral defense basing on all the five series he/she has acquired from the program. An external examiner will be present to grade the presentation.

Eligibility for the Program:
Admission requirements for the IACT-approved PD program, the participant must possess the following:
1. At least 5 GCE O-Level passes with a pass in English Language and also a pass in Mathematics; and
2. One of the following:
2.1 A recognized full-time 3-year/part-time 5-year polytechnic diploma including those from LaSalle College of the Arts and Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts or 
2.2 A Diploma in Early Childhood Education from an ECDA-accredited training centre or
2.3 A Diploma in Education awarded by a recognized teacher training institution/college or
2.4 A recognized bachelor’s degree in the relevant field (i.e., language/literacy arts education, general education, special education, TESOL)

In addition, to eligible for the IACT professional credentialization/membership in becoming a special needs educational therapist, the following criteria must be satisfied: 
• Completion of the PD workshops in the 5 IACT-approved theme-based topics (each consists five workshops) in the Reading (Literacy) Therapy program
• Fulfilled 70 supervised practicum hours
• Submission and passing written assignments
• Presentation at the Case Study Symposium 
• Duration of maximum 2 years to complete/acquire all of the above

Date of Program Commencement: 
Day/Month/Year: February 2017 ( 1st Intake )
Note: The training will begin when there is sufficient number of participants and training sessions will be held on 5 consecutive Saturdays per module. There will be a 2-Saturday recess before the new module begins.
Venue: Star Grazer Enrichment Centre, Block 265, Bt BatokEast Avenue 4, #01-389, Singapore 650265.
Trainers: IACT-approved trainers or Fellows/Honorary fellows of the RSAS  

****There will be 3 intakes annually. Please do visit our blogs for all new updates of courses.

For more enquiries 
SG : Please email Mdm Heng  hengjn@yahoo.com.sg  / Hp 91067837
MY : Please email Dr Lim bhlimspneeds@gmail.com

Wednesday, December 14, 2016



RSAS CERTIFICATE OF COMPETENCE MODULES (Updated 2015 for next 5 years)

Topics:  1.1 What is Literacy? 
1.2 Reading as a Process and a Product   
1.3 Writing as a Process and a Product  
1.4 Handwriting and Penmanship  
1.5 Spelling and Dictation  
1.6 Fantasizing: The Bridge between Reading and Writing  

Topics: 2.1 Difficulties, Disabilities and Disorders in Literacy
2.2 Difficulties in Literacy   
2.3 Disabilities and Disorders in Literacy   

Topics: 3.1 What do the terms Measurement and Evaluation mean?   
3.2 Profiling a Reader/Writer    
3.3 Screening and Assessment Practice (use of selected screening/assessment tools)  
3.4 Case Management System   
3.5 Case Studies for Evaluation Practice 

Topics: 4.1 What does the term Treatment mean?   
4.2 Different Categories and Levels of Treatment   
4.3 Individual-centered Intervention Strategies   
4.4 Group/Class-centered Intervention Strategies   
4.5 Developing a Balanced Literacy (Reading/Writing) Program   

Topics: 5.1  Selected Case Studies from the following   
5.2 Other Case Studies as provided by the participants/trainees Participants have to present their respective case studies at the end of this module. A pass is compulsory for this final module in order to proceed for the qualifying RSAS Certificate of Professional Practice 

Passing Criteria for RSAS CoC and CoPP Qualifications 
• To qualify for the Certificate of Competence (CoC) for each of the above five modules, trainees/participants are expected to complete the modular assignments and attain a score of 80% and above. 
• To qualify for the Certificate of Professional Practice (CoPP), all trainees/participants must obtain a pass grade for their Supervised Remedial Intervention Observation (not more than 1 hour with the Examiner asking the Examinee not more than 3 questions based on that observation) and Final Case Study Presentation (a case of the Examinee’s choice to present orally).  
For more details on the Dates of commencement / Schedules / Fees / Others related 
Singapore: Please contact Mdm Heng @ +6591067837 email : hengjn@yahoo.com.sg
Malaysia: Please contact Dr Lim email : bhlimspneeds@gmail.com

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Registration Form - 26th Nov 2016 Symposium

Managing Students with Reading Difficulties
A One-Day Symposium on Reading 26th November 2016, Hatten Hotel Melaka
- a collaborative project of the Reading Specialists Association Singapore and Inclusive Education Symposium Melaka

Places limited to ONLY 100 participants! Please register early...
Registrant Information
Title: ____________________________
Birth Date:________________________
Home Phone:______________________
First Name:________________________
Last Name:________________________
Email Address:_________________________________________________________
Work / Mobile Phone:____________________________________________________
Address Information:
Street Address Line :_____________________________________________________
State           Zip Code

Registration Form - 26 th Nov 2016 Symposium

Managing Students with Reading Difficulties
A One-Day Symposium on Reading 26th November 2016, Hatten Hotel Melaka
- a collaborative project of the Reading Specialists Association Singapore and Inclusive Education Symposium Melaka

Places limited to ONLY 100 participants! Please register early...
Registrant Information
Title: ____________________________
Birth Date:________________________
Home Phone:______________________
First Name:________________________
Last Name:________________________
Email Address:_________________________________________________________
Work / Mobile Phone:____________________________________________________
Address Information:
Street Address Line :_____________________________________________________
State           Zip Code

Saturday, October 8, 2016

RSAS-IE Symposium Reading Symposium 26th Nov 2016

RSAS-IE Symposium Reading Symposium 2016
Theme: Managing Students with Reading Difficulties
Presented by the guest speakers and distinguished fellows of the Reading Specialists’ Association Singapore

Registration of Participants

Introduction to the Reading Symposium
Honorary Fellow Membership Award & Elected Fellow Memberships

Feature Talk 1: Reading as a Process (9am-10.30am) By Ms Dede Tham
Synopsis: What is reading? Reading is not just barking at print meaninglessly. If reading is a process of decoding for meaning or making sense of what is being decoded, what does the reading process consist of? In other words, what are the key components that essentially make up the reading process?    

Tea-break: 10.30am-11am 

Feature Talk 2: When Reading Process breaks down (11am-12.30pm) By Dr K.H.Chia
Synopsis: Why do some students display difficulties in the reading process? What are these causes? When did reading first begin in the child development? In other words, the participants will go on a short learning trip to explore the genesis of reading development and the birth of an emergent reader.

Lunchtime: 12.30pm-1.30pm

Feature Talk 3: A Measure of Reading (1.30pm-3pm) By Dr B.H.Lim
Synopsis: In order to understand the problems encountered by a child struggling with reading, a battery of tests has to be administered. What are these available informal and formal reading assessment tools that educators can use to find out their children’s reading performance? What do results from such assessment tools tell us about a child’s reading competence and hence, his/her reading competence?

Tea-break: 3pm-3.30pm

Feature Talk 4: Reading Strategies for Early Intervention (3.30pm-5pm) By Mr Eric Chia
Synopsis: The earlier a child is assessed if he/she is suspected to have difficulties in reading, the better the prognosis before the reading problem becomes a bigger issue to contend with. Participants will be introduced some of the generic reading strategies used in early intervention to help young children identified with reading challenges. 

Closing of the Reading Symposium

Venue: Hatten Hotel Melaka, 11th Floor, Marco Polo I & II rooms
Date: 26 November 2016
Time: 8.30am – 5.00pm
Registration fee: MYR$100.00 (SGD$60)

Participants: Limited to first 100 on first-come-first-serve basis (until all vacancies are filled up).
To enquire or register for Singapore participants  please text or call Hp +6591067837
Email : hengjn@yahoo.com.sg

To enquire or register for Malaysia participants please text or call Hp +60126357819
Email : iesymposium2015@gmail.com